Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Desk

SO, sometimes I forget I'm pregnant and like to do the things I've always done. When I'm at home, it's not a big deal, but when I'm with other people, it gets noticed.

For instance, anytime I meet with one of my corps members in their classroom, I always sit in a students desk. Well, its never been a problem before, but its starting to become one. I actually can still fit in student desks, I just look ridiculous doing it. While my corps members have never said anything, I generally get this telling look as they rush over and ask if I want another chair. For some reason, I just can't say yes.

One day, I'm gonna get stuck. When that happens, I have no doubt my CM will laugh hysterically and feel the need to share with everyone else. As for me, that will be the day my self-imposed exile from the rest of the world will begin.

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